Checksum Open Edition by Raphael Dudler Swiss NFT Artist

Open Edition NFT celebrates two years as an NFT artist

Concept art from 2015 reissued as an NFT edition.
It’s hard to believe: I’ve been calling myself an NFT artist for two years now (2023), because not a day has gone by in that time that I haven’t made NFT art or talked about it.

In most cases, NFT art has nothing in common with art. Rather, it is the creation of assets that then (usually) want to be passed on immediately with profits.

If I stick with it and insist on making art, I will either fail or prevail and be perceived as a serious artist in the world of new technologies.

As always, I choose the difficult path and claim to be an NFT artist by conviction, who can create assets if the community wants it.

Checksum as a template for the special Open Edition

For the anniversary, I chose a study, a concept template from 2015. Therefore a study, because this work was neither implemented nor published.

Why not?
Because I wasn’t really convinced that people would want to hang these figures on their walls. I also wanted to achieve a continuation of the work and refer to the core message of the works of the cross sum.

The realization of the idea seemed too complex to me. That’s why I abandoned it.

Why is it possible now?
Because new technologies allow me to proactively intervene in the work and implement and live out the idea of this conceptual art.

And how?
That is a heady, exciting question that can only be answered if you become a part of this conceptual work yourself. So my recommendation: buy at least one NFT from the edition, sit back and leave the rest of the work to me. Trust me.

Checksum - all ready done
Checksum Open Edition - make added value no war

Keep or burn your NFTs

If you burn them, you will receive new NFTs from the edition in return. In this way, you control the rarity of all NFTs in the entire collection.

However, you not only control the rarity, but also the value of each NFT in the edition. Your decision, your risk, your assets, your NFTs. Your happiness in your hands.

You are part of the art. And if you like, you are also the manipulator of the values.

So that you are always informed about all the events of the Checksum Open Edition, visit this page at least once a month.

Checksum Open Edition NFT

To make it easier for you to decide for or against a purchase, here are some specific details:

  • Open Edition means that an indefinite number of NFTs can be mined for a certain period of time. You can therefore “create” as many NFTs as you like and place them on the Ethereum blockchain. Each NFT costs ETH 0.005. A small gas fee is added when mining.
  • All NFTs mined during this duration look identical. They are PNGs, 2500 x 2500 pixels in size, black background with light blue numbers divided into five rows (vertical & horizontal) from 1 to 5. The cross sum of these works results in the number 3. This is worth mentioning because the cross sum is the main theme of the edition.
  • Depending on the number of minted NFTs during the duration of the Open Edition, the final result is added up and this cross sum then gives the number of future opportunities to exchange the minted NFT (burn) for an as yet unknown NFT.
    The unknown NFT has the same dimensions and contains a statement in addition to the digits in the form of letters.
    The free-standing digits in turn result in a cross sum, which is decisive for the further course of this edition.
  • Finally, it should be noted that the purchase of one or more NFTs heralds the start of an exciting journey. The purchase is therefore the beginning and not the end.
Checksum - boys don't cry